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Computer Networking

What We Do – Connect wired or wireless

We make the promise of “work anywhere, all the time” come to life. Infrastructure services include IT infrastructure installations powered by our team of network engineers along with rack maintenance, and wireless connectivity. In addition our team handles the firewalls, access points, virtual private networks and network security.

Whether it is up on a ladder or a digital setup – Viener4Gates network engineers makes your network work with these great features:

– Increase productivity.

– Untangle network confusion.

– Increase speed and reliability.

– Harden your network against attack.

– Improve confidence of your team that you have a solid infrastructure as a base of your company and IT strategy.

–Enjoy 24×7 support from our team of networking professionals.

–When you call, we answer! Ask any of our clients when you call Viener4Gates a member of our team always picks up the phone ready to assist you.

When you select seasoned professionals from Viener4Gates, the level of service is just flat out better. With 30+ years in the information technology sector, no one is better prepared to help your team to solve the challenges of the 2020’s.

How “Work Anywhere, All the Time” – Microsoft Office365

We make the promise of “work anywhere, all the time” come to life. Whether it is servers in your office, in the cloud or part of AWS or Azure – we bring a level of seamless interoperability to your network.

Add to that mix technologies and strategies that allow remote workers, remote offices and mobile workers all to have safe and secure computing.

We have the track record and personnel to “make your company work” with 24×7 connectivity, lower costs, and reduce overall stress levels.

Firewalls – Watchguard, Meraki (and others)

At the heart of modern business is the Internet. The interface is your firewall. Whether your company is small or large, you are a target. Remember – Defense Wins Championships.

Our team relies on the proper selection, installation, and configuration of products like a Watchguard Firebox or a Meraki solution to safeguard your data, users, and customers.

Even if you have other firewall devices, we can inspect and adjust the settings to offer the maximum protection to your organization.

Viener4Gates network engineers and IT infrastructure experts are here to help you win at business.

Wireless and Wired Connections

Networks are only as good as your connection to the network.

Inexpensive but non-secure wireless access points are a hole in your security. Integrated, centrally managed WAPs (Wireless Access Point) are the answer.

Many systems also include wired connections. Planning and executing on your low-voltage plans is part of our services offerings. We bring those plans to life with qualified, experienced cabling professionals.

Switches, Routing and Network Closets

A question often heard as a client meeting ends, “can you guys clean up our tech room”? Yes we can!

From designing the network closet, putting proper equipment to use and maintaining that stack of technology, Viener4Gates helps to “make your company work” with network engineers and IT infrastructure specialists.